Hot Shot’s Secret Fuel Additives

Diesel Extreme™ Concentrated Fuel Injector Cleaner + Cetane Booster

DIESEL EXTREME™ is the initial treatment for the entire fuel system. Its high cetane concentration provides an explosive burning of the fuel, while cleaning and protecting the tank and lines to prevent future damage.

Treament should be repeated every 6,000 km.

  • Cleans Injectors.

  • Boosts Cetane up to 7 pts.

  • Restores ThrottleResponse.

Everyday Diesel Treatment (EDT) Concentrated Daily Fuel Booster

Everyday Diesel Treatment® contains a concentrated level of cetane booster which tremendously upgrades power and improves fuel economy in all diesel equipment. EDT® also has a powerful level of injector cleaner, our LX4 LUBRICITY EXTREME®, corrosion inhibitors, water dispersants and fuel stabilizers. EDT® should be used at every fill up to turn standard pump diesel into premium diesel.

Available in: 16 oz & 1 qt

  • Increases diesel fuel lubricity up to 26% to protect against scoring & wear

  • (verified by 3rd party testing).

  • Cleans injectors to maintain efficiency & operability.

  • Prevents rust from forming inside the fuel system.

  • Demulsifies water so it can be safely removed from the fuel system.

  • Stabilizes diesel fuel for long-term storage.